The possibilities are life changing

How uses Packsize solutions to right-size unique shipments and “upskill” its workforce
Streamlined packaging operations
Reduced labor costs by 24-35%
Provided career advancement
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Unique packaging requirements

As the first nonprofit organization to create an e-commerce auction site, ships out hundreds of donated items each day, listed by Goodwill locations from all over the country.

With an endless variety of items ranging from jewelry and apparel to electronics and large sporting equipment, strived for more efficient packaging, no damaged goods upon arrival to the customers, and an overall streamlined process.

Rozwiązanie Packsize okazało się dla nas idealne, ponieważ umożliwiło nam opracowanie niestandardowych pudełek dla każdego wysyłanego przez nas przedmiotu – od G.I. Joe po ekspres do kawy i nie tylko.
Ted Mollenkramer
Starszy menedżer ds. operacji biznesowych w branży e-commerce


A life-changing packaging process

Since implementing the Packsize iQ Fusion® at their Orange County warehouse in 2017, has experienced the far-reaching results of Right-sized Packaging on Demand®. With the ability to create a wide variety of box sizes as needed, they no longer need to store a large box inventory. Shipping efficiencies have been achieved, enabling more items to reach customers, without damage, each day.

This means more revenue to support Goodwill’s life-changing programs and services for individuals with disabilities. As an added benefit, the Packsize system reduced their labor costs by 24-35% and allowed for specialized employee training. “This gave us a new avenue to truly live out the Goodwill mission of helping people find meaningful jobs and career advancement opportunities in our warehouse,” said Ted Mollenkramer, Senior Ecommerce Business Operations Manager at